Kindly read the terms and conditions carefully before creating an account within GOLDIN, as this document regulates the method by which your orders are executed via the Internet. By registering and filling out your personal information form that appears to you when downloading and entering GOLDIN and approving this contract, you shall be legally bound by the following terms and conditions and GOLDIN Privacy Policy contract.

You acknowledge that you are responsible for your access procedures to our application, and that you shall be responsible for all people who use GOLDIN through your internet connection and through your personal account. If you do not agree to our terms and conditions contract, you shall not be able to use the application or benefit from its services.

The GOLDIN is entitled to amend this contract from time to time without the need for prior notice, and you acknowledge that every visit to our application is considered acceptance of the terms and conditions contract in effect at that time, and your continued use of the application after changing its terms and conditions contract indicates that you i have read and agreed to them.

Clause No. (1): GOLDIN and available services

GOLDIN shall be operated by a company “Almas Applications”, which was established and registered in the Kingdom of Bahrain under commercial registration number 148602-1, and GOLDIN is an electronic platform for displaying products of companies, commercial establishments, or owners of commercial records, via the Internet, for the purpose of facilitate access between them and members of GOLDIN, by providing electronic means for application members to submit their orders and register a balance for each order or reservation made through the application.

We do not guarantee the quality of the products of the merchants or the parties contracting with us, and nor do we verify whether they hold the required licenses to operate their businesses or comply with the laws applicable in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in addition to that we do not participate in the production of any of the products displayed on our application. Our role is solely to display and market the products. The merchants alone shall be responsible for the products they offer on our application, and they alone shall be responsible for compensating you in the event that you are harmed by their products or services.

Some of the merchants contracting with us shall enter into agreements with some celebrities and influencers on social media to promote their products on our application. Therefore, our application shall not be responsible for any comments, choices, or marketing methods employed by the celebrity or influencer hired by the merchant through our application.

In the event that you suffer from a specific allergy to a particular metal (such as eczema), you shall provide us with that sensitive personal information so that it shall be conveyed to the e-commerce merchants within our application. This shall ensure that they are aware and shall verify that their products are free from any substances that may cause an allergic reaction for you. If you fail to provide us with this information, you alone shall be responsible for any harm that may be caused to you.

Clause No. (2): Your personal account

When you download GOLDIN, you shall only be able to place orders after creating your personal account. When you create your password, you shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and password, and for not disclosing this information to others. If someone else uses your account and password to place an order for any of the products displayed on our application, you alone shall be responsible for paying for those orders. We shall not be responsible for the losses that you may incur as a result.

In the event that you forget your password, we shall enable you to reset a new password in full confidentiality on our application and you shall be able to use our application again, and we shall also enable you to change your password at any time you wish in the event that you feel that your password is not protected, you can close your account on our application at any time, and we are entitled to suspend or permanently close your access to our application, if we believe that your account was hacked by another person, or if you have misused it through our application.

Clause No. (3): Availability

Each merchant on our platform within the application shall determine their own working hours and availability to fulfill orders or services. They also shall indicate whether their products are currently available or not. We shall provide delivery service to you through our partnership with a professional delivery company in the area. If you place an order for delivery outside the designated delivery area or during non-working hours of the delivery company, we shall notify you of the inability to deliver your specific order for the specified reason.

Clause No. (4): Order via our app

When you browse products through the merchants’ online stores, there is a field indicating approximate sizes for the displayed jewelry. Therefore, you shall choose the size you are confident about to avoid any sizing issues. When you select your order through our application and add it to the shopping cart from the available merchant, you shall choose the payment method, which is limited to prepaid cards or through Benefit Pay.

Once you press the buy now button and a certain period of time passes without canceling the order, you are not entitled to cancel the order or refund the amount. We shall send a message to the merchant to prepare your order.

In the event that we are unable to accept your order through our application, for any reason, we shall inform you of this through a notification on our application and an e-mail and you shall not be charged and the amount shall be returned to you on a direct bank transfer to the account through which you paid the returned or canceled order.

The merchant may provide an alternative to the order that you ordered in the event that it was not available when completing the order, in the event that you were contacted by the merchant and you agreed to the alternative submitted by it.

When you complete your order and make the electronic payment, an interface shall appear to you that shows you the average time for the arrival of your order or the exact date for the arrival of your order. Rain, traffic congestion, holidays or working times, knowing that the delivery process may take a maximum period of 7 working days to 15 working days, depending on the time of preparing your shipment by the merchant and receiving it and your address if it is outside or inside Bahrain, please clarify that the period that we set is not an exact period and it may be increased or decreased due to the circumstances that have been clarified previously.

In the event that you order products through our application, the delivery shall be from a professional delivery company contracting with us, and the delivery shall be to the address that you specified when submitting your order, in the event that you wish to change the address to the delivery location after submitting the order, we may be able to change the delivery address to an alternative address that you provide to us or you register it on our application in your personal account, before sending the delivery driver to the address at which you created the order, in the event that it is approved by us to change the address, you acknowledge that you know that the delivery of the request shall take a longer period than the period specified when creating the order, and in the event that we are unable to change the address delivery as you wish, you shall be notified of this, and you shall have the option to cancel the order but with the delivery fee charged by you if the delivery order has been initiated.

In the event that you do not receive the order within 10 minutes of the driver’s arrival at your address, the driver is entitled to leave your address, and you shall pay the delivery fees, and the driver shall bring your shipment to the delivery company headquarters, and you shall be responsible for any subsequent delivery fee if you wish to proceed with completing the delivery of the order to you.

Your receipt of the product is deemed approval of the product in the event that it arrived to you. Any damage to the products that you received does not fall on us as a liability for loss, and you are not entitled to request a refund of your amounts from us. To recover your amounts through a bank transfer to your account through which you made the payment, in the event that some of the product that you ordered was damaged for a foreign reason that no one has any control over, then the full amount shall not be returned to you, but the price shall be reduced as much as the value of the product decreased due to the damage it suffered before it reached you. In all cases, we shall not be responsible for the condition of the products offered to us. We are only an electronic platform for displaying products and marketing via the Internet. In the event that you received a product different from the product you ordered, you are entitled to ask the merchant who owns the product for any compensation. You are entitled to request a refund, and we shall be the ones to receive your statement about the problem with your order and send it to the owner of the online store from whom you ordered, in order to quickly solve the problem and compensate you for it. In the event that you have received your order and it has an apparent defect, we shall not be responsible for compensation for any material or moral losses that may befall you as a result of the damaged product, as the merchant who owns the product is the one who guarantees you that the product is free of defects and conforms to the specifications and images shown in its online store through our application. Therefore, your claim for compensation and return of amounts shall be against it only. In the event that you receive your order and it has a missing item, you are entitled to recover the amount of the missing item or classification by returning this partial amount of the total amount of the order through a direct bank transfer through the bank account through which you made the order.

Clause No. (5): Prices:

We offer you and all members participating in our application the service of the periodic and renewable report of the gold price for today, and the report includes the prices of gold metal in all its calibers in Bahrain, and since the prices that are placed on our page are approximate prices and are not fixed and change every day according to the price of gold.

As you are well aware, prices of products may vary among different merchants, and the price listed below the product includes the value-added tax (10%) before confirming your order. Before confirming your order, the product price shall be displayed separately from the delivery cost that you shall be responsible for it. Additionally, the final price shall be inclusive of the product price, value-added tax, and delivery service.

Prices are subject to change from time to time, and these changes do not affect orders that were placed before the price change. In the event of a pricing error, we shall notify you through a notification or via your email. You may have the option to cancel your order and request a refund after contacting the merchant directly.

Delivery fees are calculated from you for each order you place, and each order has a different delivery price than the other, and we shall indicate all prices with details before confirming the order. We are authorized by Merchants to receive payments for their orders on their behalf, and paying the value of your orders through our application is a fulfillment of your obligations.

Clause No. (6): Promotions offers:

You shall be able to view the latest offers and discounts on the products offered through our application, whether through advertisements displayed on the main page of the application or within the online stores of merchants, and these offers are temporary and limited in terms of time and scope, and GOLDIN is entitled to cancel, amend, or remove these offers without notifying you of the reasons for that.

In the event that the promotion is in the form of a discount code from the order, then such code shall be valid by the time, scope and quantity specified for this discount, and you shall enter and type this discount correctly at the stage of your order.

Clause No. (7): Your card details:

We use encryption when you make a payment using your card through our application. Therefore, we do not store your card information, and there is no option on our application to save your card details. Therefore, we shall not be responsible for any incidents related to your card, such as theft or fraud. By using our application electronic payment method, you agree to the terms of payment and acknowledge that our electronic payment system complies with the Central Bank of Bahrain’s standards. You also waive any rights under current or future laws or regulations to make any legal claims or take legal action against us. Additionally, you agree to compensate us in case we encounter any problems or losses due to the use of your card.

Clause No. (8): Access and use the application

Our permission for you to access and use our application is temporary, as we may at times close the application for any purpose, and we disclaim all responsibility for that, and therefore, you are alone shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your personal data that you entered, and your use of our application shall not violate the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Bahrain, your use may not be bad or harmful to us or others, and therefore, you shall be responsible for civil and criminal liability for your actions that violate the law, such as offensive comments, uploading, downloading or sending any material that does not comply with the standards of GOLDIN.

Clause No. (9): Communication feature

We shall provide you with the advantage of communication between us and you through the application, through the help request feature on GOLDIN, so any complaints or suggestions from you or reporting an error or problem with the order shall be through this feature only, and we shall be the link between you and the merchant that you by ordering the product from its online store, and accordingly, we shall not responsible for any compensation for any damages that may affect you or your order. You acknowledge that in the event of material or moral losses, you shall have to ask the merchant or delivery Service Provider to be jointly liable for your rights.

Clause No. (10): Our application content standards

Our standards shall apply to the products and services that we offer you through GOLDIN platform, and to the interactive services associated with them, which are in the form of evaluations or messages through the service of providing assistance, so these opinions shall not be in violation of the laws of the Kingdom of Bahrain and do not contain:

– Defamatory material for merchants or our application or publishing obscene material or material containing defamation and incitement.

– Not to promote any sexual material, violence or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, surname, disability or age.

– Threaten, abusing, invading another person’s privacy, harassing, causing embarrassment or inconvenience.

It shall not contain advertising, promotion or aid to an illegal act.

– Deception, fraud or fraud of another party.

You acknowledge your criminal and civil liability and compensation for damages that occur to us, the merchant, a third party, our agents, partners, or employees, including compensation for the attorney’s fees that we may appoint to implement legal procedures against you for any of the foregoing or similar acts or causing damage to us or a party else in one way or another.

Clause No. (11): Termination of your membership

In the event that you breach any of the terms of this contract and our privacy policy contract, we shall consider that a legal and material breach of these contracts, and we are entitled to take any administrative or legal action against you. Temporarily or permanently canceling your membership in GOLDIN immediately removing any materials uploaded or posted by you on our platform that violate our standards, issuing warnings to you through notifications and email, taking legal action against you, and disclosing your information regarding your improper use to legal authorities, attorneys, prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies.

Clause No. (12): Intellectual property

The content, design, logo, images and trademark in GOLDIN belong to us alone, and are subject to copyright and intellectual property laws in force in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and you are not entitled to copy, reproduce, publish or broadcast any image, idea, content or logo related to our application, except for personal use of your file for non-commercial purposes.

Clause No. (13): Force majeure

The obligations of the parties lapse in the event of a foreign reason outside the control of one of the parties, due to non-fulfillment of all or some of the obligations or delay in fulfilling them, in cases of force majeure, which are, for example: accidents of fate, wars, fires, floods, terrorist acts riots, factory closures, etc.

Clause No. (14): Disclaimer

We disclaim any responsibility for any health, psychological, or material issues that may arise as a result of ordering a specific product from a specific merchant through our application. As an electronic platform that displays and promotes products and offers, we shall not be responsible for compensate you for any damages. You acknowledge that the merchant or Service Provider from whom you ordered a specific product through our application is responsible for compensating you in the event of any harm or damage.

Clause No. (15): Health standards

We agree with the merchants and delivery Service Providers who contribute to the provision of products and services through our application, provided that they provide their services and products in a clean and precautionary manner and in accordance with the conditions followed by the Ministry of Health in order to avoid infectious diseases such as the Corona virus and other diseases. Therefore, if the Service Provider or merchant provides its services or its products without observing the applicable conditions, it alone shall be responsible for them, and we shall disclaim all liability for the harmful actions that he may cause you.

Clause No. (16): Methods of dispute resolution

In the event of any dispute between us and you regarding this contract, it is agreed between the Parties that this contract is governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in the Kingdom of Bahrain and that any dispute that may arise from the implementation or interpretation of this contract and cannot be resolved amicably, the courts of Bahrain are the ones that have jurisdiction to adjudicate in it.